18.08 Solo Halle, Germany
19.08 Klub Demboh
24.08 Melt Pot at Jazzfestival Saalfelden, Austria
4-7.09 Klub Demboh Festival Berlin
9,16,23.09 Klub Demboh
12.09 Leger (Rudi Fischerlehner/Mia Dyberg) & Dyberg°Ohlmeier°Bauer°Fischerlehner at Au Topsi Pohl Berlin
2.10 Melt Pot Victoria Oslo
3.10 Mia Dyberg Trio (with Rudi Fischerlehner) in Helsinki
7.10 Mia Dyberg Trio (With Steve Heather) , Fri Form, Trondheim
9.10 Mia Dyberg Trio (With Steve Heather) Victoria Oslo
14.10 Solo Jazz Festival Kassel
15.10 Mia Dyberg Trio (With Steve Heather) Bunker Ulmenwall, Bielefeld, West Germany
18-20.10 Klub Demboh Norrköping and Oslo
21+28.10 Klub Demboh
16.11 Mia Dyberg Trio (with Rudi Fischerlehner) Akut Festival
‘The artist creates something when he creates something, but also invents a way to do it. Inventing a way of doing is inventing a way of being and acting in the world. So artistic practices are forms of politics, ways of organizing actions, perceptions, sensitives, in a continuous process of exchange, sharing and comparison… Sound as a generator of forms and form as a sound generator’ __”Circa l’improvvisazione…” reflections about improvisation collected by Marcello Magliocchi
Parigi is the fourth of 12 duoscrapbooks albums. Every month of 2019 I will publish a duo album with recent material in the language that the other duo member identifies with. Parigi is made in Paris with Italian drummer Marcello Magliocchi, a mystery-teller and wise artist truly dedicated to improvisation. https://miadyberg.bandcamp.com/album/parigi